Katie's Dream: back to top
108pp - 198 x 125mm - paperback 100gsm woodfree paper
Interest level:
Eight to twelve years - middle & upper primary school
As with Time Flies, Adrian Peniston-Bird again takes fact and mixes it with fiction and an element of the supernatural as a girl comes to terms with her family's changing circumstance.
The novel is set in and around Medlow, a grand Victorian villa, in the suburbs of Melbourne, until recently owned by the National Trust. It was originally built by the Cairncross family in 1889 and purchased by the scientist Dr Richard Bull in 1910. The Bulls' daughter, Norma, grew up to be a famous Australian artist and from an early age drew the wild life around Medlow's lake.
After her father's death and the shock of the debts that he left behind, Katie and her mother, Jenny, settle into a new life. Everything's going well for Katie, apart from a disturbing recurring dream of which she can only remember fragments. Then Henry enters their lives. He first meets Jenny when she installs a new computer program for him and he is strongly attracted to her.
Katie becomes increasingly jealous of him and strongly resents the growing relationship between her mother and him.
They marry and Henry's wedding present to Jenny is a solid gold key to Medlow's front door. The house is badly run down but Henry plans to restore it. Katie's loathing of her new home turns to curiosity when she discovers the ghostly figure of ten year old Rachel in the attic and a child's tombstone in the gully nearby. This is the start of an adventure that takes her back to 1898 where she is determined to stop a terrible tragedy happening. To succeed, Katie must remember the whole dream, but can she do so before it is too late?
Note: All books will be autographed on request
Availability & Costs:
Book Cost: $10 Australian
Postage costs within Australia:
$6.35 (postage & packing) FREE
Postage cost - overseas:
Request a quote from the author via the Contact page
Further information:
E-mail: penistonbird@gmail.com
Use the form on the Contact page

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The Children of Theatre Place: back to top
64pp - 140 x 192mm – paperback
Interest level:
Eight to eleven years - middle & upper primary school
Like many twelve year old children Sally-Anne is pleased when her mum finds her a Christmas job. But she's only a child and children do lie sometimes. And her boss Meg thinks that's exactly what she's doing again and again.
The novel is set in and around the shops in Maling Road, Canterbury, Victoria.
All Sally-Anne wants to do is earn some extra pocket money for basketball lessons. It seems like a good job until a late evening delivery of three mysterious cartons… and in them three incredibly lifelike child mannequins. Soon afterwards things begin going horribly wrong. Sally-Anne knows she’s not to blame but her boss won’t believe her. But if it’s not her who else could it be?
Note: All books will be autographed on request
Availability & Costs:
Book Cost: $8 Australian
Postage costs within Australia:
$6.35 (postage & packing) FREE
Postage cost - overseas:
Request a quote from the author via the Contact page
Further information:
E-mail: penistonbird@gmail.com
Use the form on the Contact page
Time Flies: back to top
115 pp – 198 x125mm mm - wood free paper (will never yellow)
Interest level:
Eight to thirteen years – middle & upper primary school and year seven
A twelve year old girl's voyage of self-discovery after her mother's leaving home and despite her interrupted schooling.
The novel is set at and around Canterbury Primary School in the suburbs of Melbourne. The central adult character is based on the real Major Patrick Maloney, the first headmaster of the school when it opened in 1908. (I suggest that you read the 'appendix' first as it gives you a better idea of the main character.)
Major Maloney was a gifted teacher. Newspapers of the period recognised his excellence and the outstanding results his students achieved in scholarship exams.
Anna, (nicknamed Flea) has led an unsettled life since she started school. For years her family has been on the move from one place to another and with each new school she has slipped further behind with her work and feels a complete failure.
Now she's in 6th grade and things are even worse, Mum has left home as she can no longer cope with Dad. They are moving again as Dad hasn't paid
the rent.
At her new school, Canterbury Primary, she accidentally discovers the ghost of Patrick Maloney, the first Headmaster who has been trapped in a time warp in the school for eighty years.
He takes Flea under his wing and helps her to discover that she has unrealised abilities.
Note: All books will be autographed on request
Availability & Costs:
Book cost: $10 Australian
Postage costs within Australia:
$6.35 (postage & packing) FREE
Postage cost - overseas:
Request a quote from the author via the Contact page
Further information:
E-mail: penistonbird@gmail.com
Use the form on the Contact page
Lets Write: Exciting Ideas for Getting Started: back to top
64pp –295 x 210mm
Interest level:
Eight to thirteen years – middle & upper primary school and year seven
A wide range of different motivational, challenging and stimulating
writing activates aimed at children who ask, ‘What can I write about next?’
There are nine areas covered in this child centred book:
Picture starters (Original and interesting illustrations provide the motivation for a story)
Writing starters (A background introduction to a range of stories are provided and a starting point… then it’s up to the young writer)
How about a poem? (Amusing poetry starters)
Cartoon (Different and original ways of setting them out)
Click! Photographic images from long ago (Early photographic images provide the motivation to write ‘the story behind the picture’)
The Daily Sprint headlines (You’ve got the headline - now write the story!)
The Daily Sprint competitions (A range of crazy competitions)
Juggling with words (Ideas for writing original poems)
A mixed bag of ideas (Given a first line… what happens next?)
How to use this book - Introduction
Getting started on writing - Advice to children using the book
Note: All books will be autographed on request
Availability & Costs:
Book cost: $10 Australian
Postage costs within Australia:
$6.35 (postage & packing) FREE
Postage cost - overseas:
Request a quote from the author via the Contact page
Further information:
E-mail: penistonbird@gmail.com
Use the form on the Contact page |